Our Curriculum

Our Pedegogy:
At Turvey Preschool, we know our children well. We know and understand each individual child, their interests, needs and abilities. Ensuring that whilst learning through Play, we as Practitioners will listen with our eyes and ears, understand their actions and tune into their emotions. Adding us model behaviours and play scenarios to help to ensure children think and create for themselves.
At Turvey Pre-school, we recognise and value the importance of allowing our children the enriched and flexible opportunities to flourish in their own unique ways. We believe that if a child has a warm and caring environment, allowing them to feel included, encouraged, to be independent, to be confident, knowing they will be listened to and respected, then they will be able to become the best version of themselves.
Our Aim:
We want all children in our care to be seen as the individual stars that they are.
We Intend to offer each child a wide range of ambitious experiences, using our secured knowledge, giving endless opportunities and cultural capital to allow each of our children to succeed to the best of their ability.
To Implement , we will offer meaningful learning, suited to each child’s age, ability, interests and developmental needs, paying focus to the 7 areas of the EYFS. We will offer guidance, support, promote appropriate discussion, we will continuously monitor each child’s understanding, allowing us to revisit or extend their learning opportunities.
We will use the Characteristics of effective learning to ensure that our children are finding out and exploring their opportunities, that they are using what they know and bringing this into their play, and we want children to have a go of the diverse range of learning opportunities we offer. We will ensure our children are part of their own learning, getting involved, to keep on trying, and for them to feel pride in their own achievements. We will allow children to use their own ideas within their play, use want they already know, and we will extend this, bringing in Cultural capital and our British values to allow them to think for themselves and to be confident in this.
The impact for our children is that they will be happy, confident, independent, have the foundations secured, to be ready to continue to learn in their next stage.
Our children will have the listening and attention skills, communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, social skills secured.
How do we do this?
Our curriculum is based on our children. Each individual child has their own interests and we use their interests to inform what we do.
We plan largely week by week or on the day/in the moment to respond to children’s interests and this helps them to be motivated and engaged.
We offer a mix of adult-led, child-led and child-initiated activities.
The Educational Programmes of the Early Years Foundation Stage underpin what we offer, being the basis on which we build.
The Areas of Learning, and the Prime Areas in particular, thread throughout many of the activities on offer.
Our curriculum focuses on the 7 areas of learning of the Early Years Foundation Stage : Communication and Language, Personal social and emotional, Physical, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the world and expressive arts and design.
We will help our children develop skills in:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
· For our children to be happy and confident in who they are.
· To form positive relationships and friendships that are kind and caring so they can be a good friend
· to be an independent, active learner who is motivated, curious, ready to learn more and shows good focus and attention
· To be kind to others, show them respect and begin to understand their emotions and the emotions of others, and that we are all different and that is ok
Communication and Language Development:
· to be a good communicator who can listen, understand and be able to express themselves in all ways
Physical Development:
· to begin to understand how to look after themselves and what their body needs to be healthy
· to become confident movers, risk assessors and to have strength ability to manipulate a range to tools and resources.
· to develop a love of books
Understanding the world:
· to begin to understand the natural world and how to look after it
· To have a good understanding of the world they live in
· to understand early mathematical concepts appropriate to their age. Interested in wholeness of numbers, number rhymes, recognising numbers.
Expressive arts and design:
· To use and share their imagination in all areas of play.
To be School Ready:
· to be ready for school, independent and ready for life.
· To have good listening and attention skills, to be able to join in with routine, story and music time
· To be able to be independent in dressing themselves
· To use knife and fork
Long Term Theme: Seasons across each term.
Autumn Term:
Theme: All about me.
World Space week
Harvest festival
Recycling Week
Bonfire Night / Fire Safety
Remembrance Sunday
World nursery rhyme week
Kindness Day
Christmas and Nativity
Spring Term:
Theme: New beginnings
Chinese New year
Pancake day
Mental Health week (age appropriate – emotions and feeling)
World book Day
Science Week
Mothering Sunday
Spring Walk
Summer Term:
Theme: Life Cycles
St Georges Day
Sun Safety
Childrens Gardening Week
Healthy Living Week
Father’s Day
Water Safety
Independence Day
Life cycle of Butterflies
Our themes will change across the term relevant to children’s needs and interests